Experienced,highly committed and Skilled Personnel

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Experienced,highly committed and Skilled Personnel

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Welcome to FORTIS

Fortis Attorneys is a law firm with offices in Dar es Salaam and Arusha. The firm is composed of experienced, highly committed and skilled personnel specializing in corporate and commercial law, land law and conveyancing, intellectual property law, regulatory law, mining law, tax law, capital markets and securities, civil and criminal litigation, among others.

Our Vision

The vision of the firm is to become the biggest and best law firm in Tanzania and across Africa by being the provider of high quality, professional, client based legal and other related services.

Our Mission

Mastery of local business conditions; best quality and timely service delivery; to always adhere to professional ethics; nurturing trust and upholding confidentiality; invest in distinctively qualified staff of highest professional standing,

Our Core Values

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident. On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized.

Who We Are

About Fortis Attorneys

About Us
Fortis Attorneys is a law firm with offices in Dar es Salaam and Arusha. The firm is composed of experienced, highly committed and skilled personnel specializing in corporate and commercial law, land law and conveyancing, intellectual property law, regulatory law, mining law, tax law, capital markets and securities, civil and criminal litigation, among others.
We are also highly capable of handling matters related to mortgage financing, debt recovery, finance leasing, commercial arbitration, housing finance, taxation, security documentation, conveyancing, corporate restructuring, litigation and contract negotiation, partly due to the experience our personnel gained from previous engagements with prominent law firms in Tanzania.
We add value to our experience and commitment by ensuring that the services we offer remain cost-effective and time-efficient. It is through this amassed experience, skillfulness and commitment that it has become possible for the firm to handle cases and other contentious and non-contentious matters effectively and successfully.

Our Team

Principal Partner
Managing Partner, Arusha
Managing Partner, Dar es Salaam



Embracing the spirit globalization, human and business integration at its core, Tanzania allows foreigners to live and work within its borders at any time provided that all the legal procedures and formalities have been complied with.

Any person who wishes to employ or engage a non-citizen in any occupation shall apply for a work permit to the Labour Commissioner prior to the entry by that non-citizen. After obtaining work permit a non-citizen is required to apply for a resident permit with the Director of Immigration Services.

Work permits are of the following classes: Class A and B, issued respectively to self-employed foreigners (owners of the business, Directors) and to foreign employees who possess prescribed profession while Class Cwork permits are issued to foreign employees who are in possession of profession other those in Class B.

Residence Permits are of the following classes: Class A and B, issued respectively to self-employed foreigners (owner of the business, Directors) and for all foreign nationals who wish to be employed in Tanzania.

For more details on the requirements, process and procedures for obtaining work and residence permits or applying for Tanzania citizenship, contact our Team.

Right to land, regardless the mode upon which the said land is hold (tenure system), is crucial for existence of man and so is to the most businesses or investments. Tanzania recognizes this right and through established mechanism, any person can own land whether a citizen or not.

A myth among many people is that foreigners cannot own land unless they do it only through derivative right granted by the Tanzania Investment Centre by virtue of their investment. This for many reason is wrong and misinterpretation of law. While granted rights/allocation of land to foreigner by the Commissioner for Land is to some extentrestricted, it is by no means the only way of acquiring land rights in Tanzania. There is no restriction to foreigners preferring a lease (of up to 99 years) instead of a grant and also to foreigners whose businesses fall under the prescribed activities including provision of health, education and other social services.

For more details on procedures of acquiring or disposing land in Tanzania, contact our Team.

With the establishment of the TIC (Tanzania Investment Centre), investing in Tanzania for both citizens and foreigners is no longer mind-tiring and soul frustrating process provided the potential investor has met the minimum requirements especially on capital.

The best and recommended approach would be for a potential investor(s) to start a local company or register a foreign company with BRELA. With an investment capital of $100,000 and $500,000 for locally and foreign owned enterprise respectively, it will entitle the potential investor(s) to be registered by TIC and to apply for certificate of incentives which carries with it various benefits including tax reliefs, access to land (derivative rights) and automatic immigrant quota of up to five people. It should be noted that, none of the procedure is compulsory and various options are available for any person wishing to invest or start a business in Tanzania.

For more details on the requirements, process and procedures for investing in Tanzania visit www.tic.co.tz or contact our Team for guidance

Start a Business in Tanzania


Practice Areas

Banking and Finance

We offer expert services on: advice on collateral management and realization, advice on debt collection, advice on all aspects of banking legislation, project finance, advice on international development projects and rescheduling of debts, preparation of contracts and various financing documentation, establishment of representative and branch offices of foreign financial institutions and companies.

Land and Properties

Areas of competence in this area of law include: Conveyancing, mortgages and mortgage financing, lease development agreements, the law on unit titles, due diligence on land matters, registration and perfection of instruments.

Labour and Employment

The services we provide include: drafting contracts for and of employment, advice on the implications on labour relations in mergers and acquisitions, advice on retrenchment and nationalization, advice on alternative means of dispute resolution, including mediations and arbitration, and the formulation of strategies in respect of strikes, lock-outs and other forms of industrial action, Institution of proceedings in the Labour Division of High Court, advice on standard labour practices, advise on statutory employment conditions and minimum employment standards.

Corporate and Investment

As corporate Consultants we are capable of providing advice and services on the following areas:- formation of Companies and Partnerships, formation and use of Business Trusts, Public Listing of Companies, Investment, Corporate structuring and management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and Corporate Management contracts, Conveyancing and Mortgage profiling, advice on Immigration issues for personnel, Broadcasting and Transmission Rights, Bankruptcy, Composition and Corporate arrangements, Arbitration and Mediation.


The services offered in tax law include: advice on tax matters, including the most tax-effective structuring of transactions and the selection of appropriate tax structures for the establishment of new business, negotiating with Tanzania Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Finance, advice on tax incentives offered through the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) and the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA), litigating on tax matters in the tax specialised dispute adjudication bodies such as the Tax Revenue Appeals Board, Tax Appeals Tribunal and in the Court of Appeal.


Areas of specialization include: aviation and marine insurance, Professional indemnity, Product liability, Fire, Motor Vehicle and General liability insurance, Life insurance and Health Insurance, Crop Insurance, Reinsurance, Policy drafting and underwriting advice. Our Partners and Consultants have successfully defended insurance companies and brokers in courts of law against claims from customers especially in health, motor vehicle and General Liability Insurance.

Intellectual Property

The firm offers a broad-based service in this area, including: advice on the acquisition, registration and protection of intellectual property, Business and Corporate names, Licensing and technical agreements, Advice on all related aspects of taxation, Restrictive trade practices, Trade and Service Marks, Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights, advice on the applications of trade and marketing laws.


Tanzania is one of the African Countries endowed with rich mineral deposits ranging from gold, diamonds, platinum and various types of gemstones among others. Presence of these resources has attracted prospectors, miners and contractors. The firm has had the opportunity of working for some of the participants in the mining industry in disputes concerning mining rights. We have also carried out due diligence on behalf of some big mining companies thereby facilitating transfer of mining rights or formation of Joint Venture companies.

Aviation and Marine Transport

Areas of specialization include: advice on liability claims (cargo and passengers), Interpretation of insurance policies, advice regarding insurance claims, analysis of international conventions, advice on licensing air transportation, accident inquiries, advice on sea transportation, Maritime Law and Shipping generally, Ocean Management and Coastal Zone Law.


Our lawyers have a long history of litigation practice during which they have represented, among others, major public and private corporations in various areas including: Banking disputes, Insurance disputes and related business (e.g. fire, accident, motor, personal injury, product liability, professional indemnity, reinsurance and long-term insurance), Commercial and industrial (employment) disputes, Commercial frauds (including urgent attachment orders), Mining disputes, Personal injury claims, Land dispute, Criminal law, Cases predicated on breach of contracts of sales and supplies.

Fortis Attorneys

Why Choose Us

“As a service provider, quality assurance is not only ranked highest in our set of priorities, it is also accompanied by prompt and timely delivery. Our team members work aroundthe clock to achieve this, whether it means forfeiting good night sleep or relaxing weekend and holidays. The contacts details accompanying our Team members are there to ensure our esteemed clients a 24/7 access to our legal services and a quick response whenever a need arises. ”

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